This link is to iVillage hottest toys of 2009 based on Toy Fair. #8 Of 15 is a
Tara Toy game called Meatball Madness. It’s not something we worked on here at
Monkey Doodle Dandy, but we have done games for Tara Toy, and even a few for other companies. It’s great to see Tara move in the direction of games.
We’ve done a lot of work for Tara over the years. We had our monkey paws all over some of
what you see here.
Here’s a game we designed for
INI, Inc. Last year I did this illustration for INI’s successful drinking game. It was repackaged with this illustration on the box.

Since the game is based on a classic, it made sense that it should be applied to kids. Pictured below is the game we designed for INI’s kids’ version. It will be in stores soon, but
here’s a link so you can buy it now!